A collection of my actions and interactions from around the Net over the last week.
Shared URL Linter - Facebook Developers. | |
Shared CSScaffold. It appears that Anthony changed his account name and thus the path to the CSScaffold source. | |
Shared Customer Experience Mapping. "It’s a graphical representation of the service journey of a customer. It shows their perspective from the beginning, middle and end as they engage a service to achieve their goal, showing the range of tangible and quantitative interactions, triggers and touchpoints, as well as the intangible and qualitative motivations, frustrations and meanings." | |
Shared LiveView for iPhone & iPad. "a specialized remote screen viewing application intended as a tool to help designers create graphics for mobile applications, it has also proven to be useful for creating quick and dirty simulations, demos, and experience prototypes." | |
A Coda plugin to that uses the YUI compressor to automatically minify and save ({filename}.min.{js|css}) a compressed version of a CSS or JS file. | |
Shared InstaCDN. "InstaCDN provides a simple REST API to easily minify, combine, gzip and push your css, js and image assets into the Amazon Cloudfront CDN with far-future expiration headers. " | |
via @grumpicus | |
Bacon Pancakes. Nuff said. |