Weekly Digest for October 5th

A collection of my actions and interactions from around the Net over the last week.
twitter (feed #6) Pluck's looking for contract UX Designer: http://j.mp/pluckux to join our team. It's a fast paced, iterative project with a massive impact. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Posted: Weekly Digest for September 28th http://bit.ly/CUsV0 [#]
twitter (feed #6) How do you balance speed and process on a new product/project? Any good resources I should check out? [#]
twitter (feed #6) Check out Surfwise (Netflix: http://j.mp/W1LdH), a very interesting movie about 85-year-old surfer "Doc" Paskowitz and his family of 11. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Nixon sent Reagan an interesting letter in '87 after Iran-Contra: http://j.mp/1vvLmN. I wish we knew Reagan's response. HT @atxryan [#]
twitter (feed #6) Sweet, Growl 1.2 officially released - now with more snow Leopard: www.growl.info [#]
twitter (feed #6) Back from a tasty lunch of fried seafood goodness with @sryder who introduced me to the Shuck Shack. Will definitely go back there. [#]
twitter (feed #6) The stereo sounds drifting out of two sets of headphones around me - metal to my right and Smokey Robinson to my left. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Sweet, Dropbox iPhone app is out! http://j.mp/4z6yVw I'm a happy baldman. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Looking forwards to AIGA's presentation of Beautiful Losers at the Drafthouse tonight. [#]
twitter (feed #6) So... anyone out there receive a Google Wave invite yet? I'm curious as to whether mine hasn't arrived or if I am being spurned by big G. [#]
delicious (feed #10) Shared runjs

"runjs loads JavaScript modules and JavaScript files. It is optimized for in-browser use, but can be easily adapted to other JavaScript environments."

twitter (feed #6) Reading runjs: "runjs loads JavaScript modules and JavaScript files. It is optimized for in-browser.. http://bit.ly/bBpVi [#]
twitter (feed #6) Increasing hardware specs isn't always an upgrade, especially if you strip personality, see the Chumby One: http://j.mp/2kCQrL [#]
twitter (feed #6) Artists / creatives, read "why i am not afraid to take your money" by @amandapalmer now: http://j.mp/2xKb6S HT @ambersimmons [#]
twitter (feed #6) Pluck's looking for contract UX Designer: http://j.mp/pluckux to join our team for a fast paced, iterative project with a massive impact. [#]
twitter (feed #6) RT @lexfri: Reminder: Roman Polanski raped a child. http://bit.ly/343E1H [#]
twitter (feed #6) "Jerry was a race car driver..." [#]
twitter (feed #6) FYI, for those on Wave (sorry no invites at the moment), my googlewave address is 'baldtechnologist'. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Uh oh... RT @bantik: Weirdness at http://dropbox.com... Google logo and a page not found message. Hmm. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Oh, wait. For a second there I was worried about @Dropbox , but their URL is getdropbox.com not dropbox.com [#]
twitter (feed #6) RT @linearb: DrupalCamp Austin - November 14-15, 2009, at the Norris Conference Center: http://bit.ly/aaOxB [#]
twitter (feed #6) Oooh now this is a great poster: http://j.mp/HXe4u via @austingovella [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading Groklaw - SFLC files Bilski brief: Software should not be patentable and don't forget the 1st Am.. http://bit.ly/yQdE7 [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading MockApp: iPhone prototyping http://mockapp.com/ [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading Rule: "Rule is a companion JavaScript bookmarklet to Grid which overlays a completely custo.. http://bit.ly/ucSaF [#]
twitter (feed #6) Reading Google Wave Bot / Gadget Development http://withwaves.com/ [#]
twitter (feed #6) Mixing up a spicy citrus glaze for the ham steaks I'm cooking for dinner. [#]
flickr (feed #2) Shared 2 photos.
twitter (feed #6) Posted: Ham Steak [Flickr] http://bit.ly/2Qnibu [#]
twitter (feed #6) Posted: Ham Steak with Citrus Glaze - Precooking [Flickr] http://bit.ly/2iZMaC [#]