Weekly Digest for July 13th

A collection of my actions and interactions from around the Net over the last week.
twitter (feed #6) New Post: links for 2009-07-06 http://tr.im/rbuU [#]
twitter (feed #6) Google Chrome OS: http://tr.im/chros "open source, lightweight operating system...targeted at netbooks" Interesting times... [#]
twitter (feed #6) Wired's take on Google Chrome OS hits some key points: http://tr.im/chros2 [#]
twitter (feed #6) This proved to be an insanely productive day on several fronts and I'm already looking forward to crushing tomorrow. [#]
twitter (feed #6) Looking forward to hitting the Gingerman tonight. Who's going to be there for the Austin Tweetup? http://twtvite.com/ft1c8r [#]
twitter (feed #6) Sony announces content partners for its Internet TV platform including Netflix, Livestrong.com, eHow/Demand Media. via @omarg [#]
twitter (feed #6) Bookmarked: Helveticons: "Royalty-free vector icons, glyphs and symbols based on the Helvetica Bold.. http://helveticons.ch/ [#]
twitter (feed #6) Bookmarked: iPhone-like password fields using jQuery http://tr.im/rAGv [#]
twitter (feed #6) Bookmarked: Blend, a jQuery plugin effect for CSS backgrounds: "A jQuery based animation/effects.. http://tr.im/rAGz [#]
twitter (feed #6) Just commented on @jowyang's latest post 'Email: The First –and Largest– Social Network': http://tr.im/rALf What do y'all think? [#]
twitter (feed #6) Bookmarked: FireQuery: "FireQuery is a collection of Firebug enhancements for jQuery" http://tr.im/rBB6 [#]
twitter (feed #6) "We think the packets are being devoured by Nidhoggr, the Net Serpent" http://tr.im/rDB0 I *knew* there was a Net Serpent [#]
twitter (feed #6) Wrapping up a bit early today to enjoy the Austn Tweetup. Who'll be at the Gingerman tonight? [#]
twitter (feed #6) Snagging a couple slices before @sarahjoyjones and I join @Yehaskel at Club Deville. [#]
twitter (feed #6) New Post: links for 2009-07-09 http://tr.im/rH5B [#]

"queue & dequeue are a pair of core data utilities that help you to add your own bespoke to animations. "

twitter (feed #6) I had a blast at the Tweetup last night and got to catch up with and meet some great folks. Sorry I didn't get to meet everyone - next time! [#]
twitter (feed #6) Bookmarked: API: queue & dequeue: "queue & dequeue are a pair of core data utilities that he.. http://tr.im/rP4W [#]
twitter (feed #6) New Post: links for 2009-07-10 http://tr.im/rQPK [#]
twitter (feed #6) Experimenting a bit this morning. Going to try making a breakfast casserole with the left over cornbread Sarah made (mmm). [#]
twitter (feed #6) Cleaning the house and making small repairs. This afternoon is Barbecue, Beer, and WordPress at @pat_ramsey's place. [#]
flickr (feed #2) Shared 6 photos.
twitter (feed #6) New Post: Fully Baked Casserole [Flickr] http://tr.im/rUq3 [#]
twitter (feed #6) New Post: Close up of the Baked Casserole [Flickr] http://tr.im/rUq7 [#]
twitter (feed #6) Wow, I'm not fond of the changes to the plugin management page in WordPress 2.8. The All view should still provide separate sections. [#]
twitter (feed #6) It’s Hot, Damn Hot. - check out these Infographics tracking 100+ degree days in Austin from @infochimps: http://tr.im/damnhot [#]

"Lifestream is a plugin built on top of the WordPress platform. It allows you to effortlessly integrate your social network activity across the web with your blog."The extensibility and themes make this a very useful plugin, though there are still some gaps and areas where there should be better separation of content from the core library.

twitter (feed #6) "Time Has Come To Regulate Search Engine Marketing And SEO" http://tr.im/s7bt No, it hasn't. This is either FUD or ignorance [#
twitter (feed #6) Bookmarked: Lifestream for Wordpress: "Lifestream is a plugin built on top of the WordPress plat.. http://tr.im/s7TX [#]
twitter (feed #6) Bookmarked: Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive http://tr.im/s7U0 [#]