The Other Alex Jones

Living in Austin has lead to some interesting situations, not the least of which is the reaction some people have when they discover my name is Alex Jones.You see, there is at least one other Alex Jones in Austin. He is a conspiracy theorist.I am not.He has public access TV shows and radio shows.I do not.We both have Web sites. is his forum. This is mine.A while back when I was rooming with Guy and the phone was under my name we would occasionally receive calls for the other Alex Jones. Most were quite friendly when we explained that they had called the wrong Alex Jones.Some accused us of hiding the truth.One left a message asking that we help his girlfriend break him out of St. David's Hospital as he was being held against his will.I didn't call him back.Watching the other Alex Jones is interesting. The man is articulate and exudes personality. But his messages are too far out there for me to believe in. Every zealot has to push the boundaries of belief to gain attention and notoriety to gain the public spotlight and the other Alex Jones does it well.Billboards warning the public of an imminent U.N. invasion of the U.S. is just the tip of the iceberg.Well, I'm not going to dive into this topic any more at this point as I don't have the time, and am not interested in the flame war that could quite easily start on this topic. Check out his site and make up your own mind.** I'm opening this one up for comments. As I will be moving soon, don't be surprised if it takes me a couple of weeks to respond. Talk amongst yourselves.