Preservation Bacon

If you follow me at all you know that I love bacon and quite recently acquired a pound of Preservation Bacon, which is made from bellies from local (Austin), naturally raised hogs and curing salt. As my taste buds can attest, this is some impressive stuff, and it looks good to boot, as you can see in the photos at the end of this thread. The bacon is cut nice and thick (he'll cut it to your desired width) and the individual bacon slices maintain their shape beautifully.If you're interested in getting a pound or two for yourself, sign up to receive the Preservation Bacon newsletter (the site is a placeholder at the moment). One note - the bacon is only available in Austin at this time.I can't wait to try another dish and order a second batch down the road.Here are some pictures to get your stomach grumbling: [flickr album=72157613798623992 num=10 size=Small]