Recent Links: November 26 to November 29

Here are the links that I've recently saved to Ma.gnolia.


"A list was made of 250 food products each with their major flavour components. By comparing the flavour of each food product eg strawberry with the rest of the food and their flavours, new combinations like strawberry with peas can be made. The way to use is, is just to select a food product like strawberries. You will get a plot where you have strawberry in the middle surrounded by other food products. Take one of those other food products and try to make a new recipe by combining those two. The more flavours food products have in common the shorter the distance between the food products."

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Tags: food, food and drink, show sarah

Quick Look Folder and Zip plugins

Quick Look Folder and Zip plugins
Two useful plugins that add functionality to 10.5's Quick Look feature - prevew the contents of folders and zip files.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Tags: os x, plugins, quick look

Coroflot - 2007 Design Salary Survey

Coroflot - 2007 Design Salary Survey
A salary survey covering Graphic, Industrial, Interaction, Web, Interior & Fashion Design, as well as Design Management & Architecture.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Tags: design, web design, salaries

Illustrator Resources

Illustrator Resources
Some nice free sets of brushes and symbols for Adobe Illustrator.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Tags: design, web design, illustrator, show sarah

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