SilverSpider Play List 1.1 Released

Just a quick note to let everyone know that a new version of SilverSpider Play List is available.


The first big change is the ability to choose the size of the album cover, which was requested by two people on the same day! So, you can now use any of the following sizes:

  • Small (50 x 50)
  • Medium (130 x 130)
  • Large (300 x 300)

The second big change is the addition of six new formats, bringing the total to 12. These new six are variants on the same basic layout, the image is placed in it's own div and is encased within a link. A second div contains the information (song name, album name and artist name), with the first listed item acting as a link.

I have also added examples of the output for every format within the documentation so you can see what it actually produces. A full version history is available within the documentation.


I had to make changes to the config file, so make sure you back yours up before you overwrite it. Also, with the introduction of the new sizes, you will need to create two new missing album cover graphics if you want to use the larger sizes.

Download SSPL 1.1 (64K zip)

As always, let me know if you have questions or suggestions. I will do my best to respond quickly, but I have friends and family in town for the next week, so please forgive me if it takes a bit more time.