There is an old debate as to how to pronounce the acronym GIF. While it is one of those useless little squabbles we Web geeks tend to prattle on about, it is interesting to see people justify their opinions. Having just read a post titled Pronouncing GIF on NSLog() (which in turn was referring to Chris Pirillo's post Like Peanut Butter I thought I would throw in my $0.02.It is pronounced with a hard 'G'. As mentioned in Erik's post, the'G' is taken from the word 'Graphics'. Add to that, the fact that we don't pronounce 'gift' with a 'j' sound. And no, 'gin' is not a valid response. Does 'gin' end with an 'f'? Does it even have an 'f' in it? Nope. Take your stinkin' gin back and bring me some scotch damn it!Okay okay...frankly it really doesn't matter. English is a messed up language, made all the messier by the rise of acronyms and the geeks who love them.Don't get me started on the pronunciation of 'URL'...