Rick, a great Web Developer with whom I've worked in the past, and now count as a friend was kind enough to write about me being a featured linker on Ma.gnolia on his blog, Walking Around. In addittion to the pleasant surprise of seeing my name show up in the feed for his site, it was great to see that Rick has rediscovered Ma.gnolia, as I think it is a rockin' tool that I hope lives up to his needs.Speaking of tools, Barry Price, the creator of the Ma.gnolia plugin for WordPress has set its development aside and has encouraged me to adopt the project. As I use the plugin heavily on this site, and I enjoy development, I decided to take him up on the offer and have begun tweaking the plugin, with a goal of releasing a new version (likely 1.3) in the next week. The changes will be minor, but there are some features that I look forward to including in the near future. If you have any requests, please drop me a line!